Monday, January 23, 2017

Stay at Home Mom Saga

It has probably been seven years since I wrote..Oh wait! Did I not have enough time?Well I did.I was a stay at home mom (SAHM). But raising two boys (probably growing like weeds??) is a Herculean task I have set upon myself.
I did sneak in a diploma in learning disabilities in between these years.I got back to work part time in a school and have probably completely kissed my IT career good bye.(sob sob!!)
My husband says Iam away from the corporate tamasha and those haunting telecons, but I do miss socialising and this SAHM does not offer much.
It is an unpaid job.I have no holidays or leaves(I do have the falling sick days, but you are so busy cleaning somebody's nose, your achoo----is quite completely unheard by the boy gang at home!).
There is no recession, progression or elimination from your duties.Kitchen works all time ,all season.

Had someone told me that this would be the state of affairs 16 years ago as I embarked on my campus job, I would probably have looked them in the face and boxed their ears so hard that even an hearing aid would not have been of much use.

But today, as I sit down and write,Iam more at peace with myself.The decision to opt for the unpaid post was mine.I do enjoy my time with the boys.I did enjoy my part time work days and may end up going back to work part time again.

The other day as I spoke to my engineering classmate and told him that I may go back to school to study something, all he said was, Appreciate your earnest to study at this age!
And hear is my answer.

Dawn of realization that 40 is knocking on your door(wasn't I 20 something yesterday??)
Plus handling two active boys aged 9 and 4 will never allow you to be in a state of inertia.
Iam the proud chauffeur mom and going to school would be that prized "Me time" which I could earn.
Also, school meant assignments and a very effective way of leaving my boys under daddy's wing to get a breather :-).Not bad at all.

Here is a piece of advise(why am I giving it?because I always get it!!)
To all the stay at home moms,
It is your individual choice to take upon this role.Do not let the world talk you down upon your choice.Nobody would run this circus even if they are offered a million dollars.
Do take your time off from this a few times because this job can get irritating.
